The Year the World Turned Upside Down: Pt. II

After the novel that was my last post, this one will be a wee bit shorter than the last. Also, Victoria’s first year was the year of Covid, so how much is there to write about anyway? I jest; in spite of Covid, we managed to share a wonderful first year together. We had our own little bubble of people […]

Great Smoky Mountains Getaway

I just finished writing this and noticed the length…apologies in advance, but we did so. many. things. I couldn’t bear to leave very much out! Growing up, when my family went on vacations, we packed them completely full of activities and sights. In fact, we often came home “needing a vacation from our vacation!” Frank’s family took a different tactic. […]

The Year the World Turned Upside Down: Pt. I

Christmas and New Years of 2019 passed by in a blur. Then 2020 started.  Now, I’ll do my best to not wax poetic about how 2020 provided innumerable challenges; I know it was ridiculously challenging for basically EVERYONE. Thus, I will skip all of the flowery language about how hard it was getting through that crazy year. All I will […]